Wednesday, July 26, 2006

fun-filled life

"fun-filled" life

When my eyes open, it is a start of another day.
I get up, do my crap, study for the sake of studying, come home, crap again and close my eyes.

When my eyes open, it is a start of of another day.
I get up, do my crap, study for the sake of studying, come home, crap again and close my eyes.

When my eyes open, it is a start of of another day.
I get up, do my crap, study for the sake of studying, come home, crap again and close my eyes.

I wonder, if one day I do not open my eyes,
Will I miss out on anything?

I'll tell you if that happens...

moving forward?

Moving forward?

Every second past is time that only happens once.
Every day past is a day that can never be turned back

Every word that appears, are thoughts that come from within.
The time taken to blog this entry has past.
The thoughts still linger...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

an honest conversation

An honest conversation

My thoughts were expressed without being judged.

My fingers were able to move freely on the keyboard.

My mind was free.

My heart felt light.

The burden was slowly removed from me.

I guess it was all I needed...

An honest conversation.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

boredom + depression

Boredom + despression?

Suddenly everything seems just so stale
Mind becomes a complete blank
There is nothing to look forward to in life anymore

Well, this is a sign of boredom.
Maybe despression too...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

piecing back

Piecing back...

The past few weeks, I was in a world of darkness
Everything was crashing
The tears shed bled through my heart
At times, I just wanted everything to end, including myself...

But there he was,
Somehow, the sight of him lit up the world I was trapped in.
His physical touch lingers on my body
His love surrounding me...

My pillar is back...
My life is piecing back again..
Just hope it will not be tore part so soon...

I love you baby...

Friday, July 14, 2006



"My pillar is fading away....
my world is crashing....

when that happens, I'll be gone...

for good..."

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Sweet nothings


Sweet nothings are words and pharses that couples or in particular, the MALE gender would use to romance their other half.
Like ' the sparkle of your eyes are dazzle me'
' your smile is as bright as the sun shine, you are my sunshine'
maybe a simple " I love you! I cannot live without you " that is so commonly used within a day.

To the other half who is being absorbed in the world of "sweet nothing"

WAKE UP. Get a life. ask your partner to MEAN what he or she says. because

True meaning of sweet nothings : SWEET TALK! MEANS NOTHING!!!



WORDS. WORDS. words. words.
WORDS OF regret
WORDS OF remose
WORDS OF everything that one can express themself with...

to me, they are just

WORDS OF crap.

Saturday, July 01, 2006



I cannot take it anymore.
I just want to break free
leave everything behind
and go to a place where no one can find me...

the 100th entry - come and go

the 100th entry - comes and goes

Can't believe I've crap 100 entries. It's time for celebrations...
but somehow, today does not seem to be that day.

Things in life come and go,
sometimes if it moves too fast,
we let it pass by us and do not even bother looking back.

People in life come and go too
Realised that only when a person passes on or is going to leave for a period of time,
People gather on that very last day to say goodbyes, only wished they had gotten to know that person better or just spend more time with he or her.

Things in my life come and go, but it matters.
People in my life come and go, their presences matter.

Though you are far away, YOU matter to me.
Special friendship.