Tuesday, November 30, 2004

''Afraid to love''

She stared back at her SMS and it stared back at her. Was history going to repeat itself again? "Why do man kind have to face this thing called love?..."
It was a typical place where they met. Online. Started off with a simple 'hello, intro' but after that, it was 'how are you =)'. From then she realised he was not the typical type of male chatter that she have been talking to.

Somehow, they hitted off well and talked through the night. Despite his tiredness, he stayed on to talk to her. Despite having to get up early the next day, she stayed up for him. Curiousity kept both of them going.

It continued on the next day with SMSes going and coming non stop. He could not sleep much and "blamed" it indirectly at her. He could not get her off his mind.
She thought that it will end within that fateful day, however it did not. She began to realise that she was waiting for the cell to beep. Everytime it does, she would run over to check if he had replied...

After that day, she wanted to hear his voice, to hear how he sounded. "He didn't sounded bad". It was a voice she knew she would not mind listening to for a few hours.

However, something stopped her. "What if it was just a one sided thing? What if he wasn't the guy that I pictured him to be? What if I wasn't the girl he expected me to be?" All these questions flashed through her mind again and again. Fear within her mind raced to her heart, pricking it little by little each time as it hit the walls of her heart. " What if he's the one that I've been looking for in a guy? Look at yourself! He will be disappointed. Stop kidding yourself gal. You do not have such a good fate to meet a wonderful guy in your life. Give up or you will be the one getting hurt it the end. It's always been like that! Let go before it is too late..."
Her fingers instructed the cellphone she held tightly within her palm. "Message deleted"


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