Saturday, December 31, 2005

Summary of Seasons

Another Chapter of life is coming to a close. A whirlpool of a ride I must say..

Spring kicked off a very slow ride, dull and dead, But what do you expect from me anyway..

Blurred through Summer which was filled with dreadful events and spending them at horrible places, another word to call it , School...

However, life started to spice up as Autumn came. Everything was a mistake...

Winter drew near and only bleak was a word to describe it judging from the Autumn was, but it was a winter filled with warmth, something that I have never felt before in any of the seasons...

As Winter starts to melt away.. I wonder how would spring bloom... All I know is it will not be a the again...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

ever lasting?

A dim misted road stands before me.
Waiting for me to step into its trap and never resurface again.
Every step will be a risk that I have to take...

There it leads me, through this long and winding road,
Taking every single step with me with, a grip around my waist,
Pulling me up from potheads that I fall blindly into...

What am I to do if that grip was not there?

Never will I want to return to that dark corner again...

For now, the grip is still strong and I am holding on..
Every minute

Every single moment....

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

free again...

"I was picked out from the dark corner by a strong arm.
Afraid of what I will see when I am in the light again.
However, a beautiful picture appeared before my very eye.
No one could see what I saw but only the person whose strong arm wraps around me now..."