Monday, April 10, 2006

fuck appearance


Heavy lumps of mass surrounded his body
Trying to steal glimpse of themselves infront of the spotlight.
He could not see himself anymore, not even his worth inside.

He stepped away from away from his nightmare,
The only one thing that will tell people about the truth of their appearance,
Leaving no mercy.
It was silent yet honest.

Voices of laughter and sarcasm clouded his head
He wanted to scream out loud
He wanted to burst into tears
He wanted an end to everything.
Including himself

He laid on his bed,
buried himself into the soft tenderness
that will not mock his shame.

Though the soft tenderness was there, it did not take the pain away.
It was ripping him apart.
Tearing him up slowly inside.

He felt inferior.
He felt despressed.

I stood from afar
helpless at the sight
My mind is blank.
I wanted to tell him that he is beautiful
I wanted to tell him that he is everything
I wanted to tell him that looks aren't anything
But would I be bluffing myself too?
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Everyone says that, male and female alike
But do they even mean what they say?
Fuck the damn world!
Everyone knows that appearance does count!
So wake up your bloody idea
STOP trying to sound "nice" in front
While you mock these people behind
they do not deserve the shit you say
You think it's funny, You think you look damn good?
Well, here's the wake up call
1) You look like a joke
2) You ARE the joke
Don't downgrade yourself,
It pains me to see you do
Word of advice:
Keep your BIG mouth shut
It helps you know
People are born the way they are
If you're good looking, well congrats to you
If you're not. You're special.


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