Sunday, August 06, 2006

letter to Cheryl

A Letter

To someone who made my "life" interesting overnight, wait...or should I say..

Dear Cheryl,

I'm really honoured to have you take time off your busy scheduel to come visit my humble place of thoughts. I did not know my thoughts could actually stir you to leave your inspirational comments which made me blog this particular entry.

If you seriously think I will be affected by what you say, well... I am sorry to tell you that it actually makes me laugh. I can't help but to realise that the words you use are rather... limited? Try coming up with more creative ones ya? It will make your life interesting too.

Here's a few things that I want to say too:

1) DO NOT insult my parents, YOU bitch! I shall use "bitch" since it is your favourite word.

2) About your boyfriend, I do not even know who the hell he is. and, I'm sorry, but you actually do have one?

3) My sex life is totally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, please get that into your brain and youself OUT of it.

4) Even if I knew who your boyfriend was, I wouldn't waste my time sleeping with him or stealing him away from you. It's seriously NOT worth it. Besides I have better guy friends around me, wouldn't want to know your boyfriend either.

5) I did not know you have so little trust in your boyfriend, whoever he is. I'm sorry to hear that..

6) This is MY blog, MY thoughts, MY space. If you cannot swallow or stomach what you see, why in the first place do you even come?

7) As much as I want to keep this to myself, I don't want to deprive you of anything, since you have took time off to come back, which I know you will, is that : You are the most pathetic person I've ever know.

Well, that's kinda all for now. If I do have anything else to say, I will.

P.S : Did I sound as "bitchy" and "slut" as you think I am, I hope I did not disappoint you =)


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