Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinese New Year Tip

Chinese New Year Tip....

Tip for the day for people still eligible to collect the red packet:

"DO NOT, for goodness sake, tell your relatives you are working
Always tell them that you are studying, till you cannot use that excuse or lie anymore"

Reason : People assume that working people can support themselves, thus the red packet content will shrink when in actually fact, your pay is farking low and you need extra cash.

Think about it, your relatives will not ask you that " so what are you doing now" question for nothing, they are trying to collect information so they can save on their givings.

Letter to Mum

Letter to Mum....

Dear Mum,

I'm sorry for not being your proud girl,
I'm sorry for disappointing you
I'm sorry for my actions that caused you to be unhappy and angry about.

If only you knew that my heart is crying every single time my actions were misunderstood,
If only you knew that I love you so much and am really trying to make you proud of me,
If only you knew that I am not what you think I am....


That will never happen...
Cos I'll always be a nobody to you...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

If i'm gone

If I'm gone...

If I'm gone today,
Don't shed a tear for me.
Be happy and celebrate my departure from this physical world.

cos I will be free from a physical world that brought me nothing but pain and hurt
I will be free from my fucked up life.
I will be away from everything.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter either,
Cos even if I was somebody, I was nobody to them and I never will be...

"Happy" family...

"Happy" family

All along, an understanding family I thought I had,
Though ups and downs, I was happy.
I was respected and freedom that I deserved.
I love them...

Lately, I'm not sure about that anymore.....

Today, that is confirmed....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007



My mind is messed up.
I don't know what to think about anymore....

Why can't everything be simple?

If only I had a gun.

Sunday, February 11, 2007



The core of my heart is tearing.
The sides are shattering....
My heart is crying out , but can anyone hear?

My mind is drowned with confusion and misery.
It is fighting an emotional war within
a war that has no answers...

Is this suppose to be this way?
Is this suppose to go on till my mind stops?
Is this suppose to go on till my heart dies?

I cannot take it anymore...

I really can't....

Friday, February 09, 2007

D r i f t

D r i f t i n g....

The feeling is back again...

Though one religion, one heart, one love...
The "one" is torn apart by colour, tradition, race, thinking, society difference....

racial understanding? harmony?
prejudices? steorotypes?


Is this the end?.......

"One" is drifting apart.....



I am SOMEBODY now...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

be somebody


I want to be somebody.

Somebody who can do at least something well and be recognized for that something done well.
To allow people to be proud of that somebody who has something that not many people can do.
To leave an impression of that something which somebody performs well for.

However, I can only be that person who recognizes that something done well, to be proud of that somebody who has performed something well.

No matter how hard I try, never will I be somebody...

Because I am born a nobody.