Friday, February 18, 2005

right way of life?

Sitting infront of the screen as the music played on from the back ground, time suddenly beings to slow down, making life function like matrix in slow motion. Almost dead.

Sometimes I just wonder: what is life actually about? Am I living it the right way? Is there such a thing called "the right way of living life" ?

Everything seems to be stagnant. Boring maybe. Somehow the place I'm trapped it does not seem to be living life the right way. People rushing from places to places, rushing for datelines. Just rushing. Everything just turns so fast till it becomes scenes of a Kung Fu movie's fight. No one even has the time to sit by the at the coffee house to enjoy the cup brewed before them.

Am I suppose to register myself to such a way of life? Maybe I am asking for too much. I do not know...

Being the age I am now, life should revolve around fun, love, danger. Somehow it is just bleak, cold, alone. What would make up me if life continues on this way? Stressful, meaningless, depressing...

Well, I know...
D o o m.


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