Sunday, January 02, 2005

A New Chapter unfolds...

Closing of a chapter with a question mark made me ponder a lot of what type of person I was before and what type of a person I would be now.

I've realised that life was taken for granted. The existance of people around me, the care and concern given, friends, time, everything. Words of advices were fell on deaf ears. Love given was not returned and yet rejected. Everything was given a negative treatment. Uncherished.

The fact of losing someone loved closed the gap within the members of my family. I've learnt that cherishing something now only takes a little effort everyday than to grief deeply after it is gone.

For love, it is unavoidable to want someone who could give u that something special, yet the price to pay for a wrong move can be so deadly. Hurtful would be the word to use in this case. From the past experiences, I somehow realised that I have 'down graded' myself till the extend that I was not myself infront of guys, pretending to be someone else just to get attention or trying hard to withdraw the real me to suit the "typical" girl guys would fall for. Sounds ridiculous? I know. It is hard to control such emotions but a new chapter would mean a new start.

Now, I would stand strong and be who I really am. If they are unable to accept, then it shall be. It is just frustrating to hide behind a mask and not show them the real you. Yet one has to know the right attitude of "being yourself". That I would definately take in mind. My heart will never sway so easily again. If love is said to belong to me and that special him, fate will tell...

As for my appearance, if one would stare at me, I will not let it take me down. Never again would I let my mother tear because of my suffering. Never. It will not be a factor that would affect my confidence level ever.

In the apsects of studies, church, my circle of friends, family and commitments, it will be the focus of my new chapter. It will be fullfilled to my best abilities no matter how hard it will take., how long the journey will be because I know that the Lord will always be there with me, in my heart.

I think if you are reading this , you might probably be laughing at it or maybe thinking what type of a weirdo I am.

All I hope is that this new chapter will flow peaceful and His will be done...


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