Sunday, March 06, 2005

really stupid

Have you shot by hurtful words? Words that just pierced right through your heart? Well, I have...

Somehow, Being insulted by other people does not affect me as much. They can scold for all I care, but coming out from someone so close, the feeling turns out otherwise.

"You are so stupid!" These words are still floating around in my head. Why does it hurt so much now? I should be used to her tone by now. Does she really mean it? It is really too hurtful to even think back. I don't even know how to express myself now!

Those words came from my Mum. For something that I was wrongly accussed for and not even knowing how to perform a simple task. How am I suppose to know! I have NEVER done that in my life! Oh... I know. I must learn it myself. Yes, what she said was right...

My body heated up till my tears felt warm as they triggered down my cheeks. Anger was overcomed by hurt.

It was too much to bear... just too much....

Maybe I really am stupid.... She has proven it....


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